Going to golf resorts and playing a game with your friends may be out of the question right now for you thanks. It takes more experience and practice to hit that precious hole in one every time. online games free download friends groups. The faster you swing your mouse the harder you will hit the ball. To have more fun and different experience each time you play, we are using a ball hitting system which is based on the speed of the mouse.
Every asset of each area and more will be available for you inside the Multiplayer Editor and you are free to mix them all together to create the map of your desires! Currently, there are over 1.000 placeable objects inside the Multiplayer Editor! Every map has unique gameplay features and different aesthetics. This version of the game features at least 5 different maps with 18 holes each: Grassland, Winterland, Graveyard, Mines and Pirates Cove. Best done at 20 strokes, 2:00min, no reset penalty. Enjoy all 15 strokes / 3 minutes / No jumping recommended.

One of the most exciting features is a Multiplayer Editor, where you can build and play custom maps together with your friends. This is a map I've been working on for the past few months and it's now finally ready after vast amounts of testing. ABOUT THIS GAME Golf It! is a multiplayer Minigolf game with a focus on a dynamic, fun and creative multiplayer experience.