You can use the standard library in “common” code – the code shared between different platforms, be they Android & iOS or JVM & JS. In this release, the Kotlin standard library gets new collection operators, delegated properties improvements, the double-ended queue implementation ArrayDeque, and much more. Our general priority for the standard library is to improve consistency, both across different platforms and among the operations themselves. To help you get the most out of the changes and improvements introduced in Kotlin 1.4, we’re inviting all of you to the Kotlin 1.4 Online Event, where you will be able to enjoy four days of Kotlin talks, Q&As with the Kotlin team, and more – completely free. We are also excited to announce support for several new language features, including the long-awaited SAM conversions for Kotlin interfaces. To continue our pursuit of this goal with this version of Kotlin, we put a lot of energy and effort into improving the performance and quality of Kotlin and its tooling. Today we’re releasing Kotlin 1.4.0! Over the past years, we’ve been working hard on making Kotlin a programming language that is fun, enjoyable, and productive to work with.

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